Die Vision für Indien adressiert der letzte Teil der Rede der indischen Botschafterin, Ambassador Smt. Meera Shankar, bei der Feier anlässlich des 60sten Jahrestages der indischen Unabhängigkeit (15. August 1947). Sehr beeindruckend gesprochen, sehr würdig, Berlin, 4. September 2007, Haus der Kulturen. Die Botschafterin bezieht sich auf die historische Rede von Nehru:

Text der Rede s.u.

Last part of the Address by Ambassador Smt. Meera Shankar on the Occasion of the Celebration of the 60th Anniversary of India´s Independence on 4th September, 2007, Berlin, Haus der Kulturen

“…Let me conclude by saying that India and its citizens are in a resilient mood and have achieved remarkable progress in recent years, despite several shortcomings and areas of concern. We are on our way towards “redeeming the pledge” which Jawaharlal Nehru spoke of on the eve of our independence sixty years ago.

Our vision of India is -

- An India that upholds democracy and democratic values;
- An India that celebrates its diversity while rejoicing in its unity;
- An India which will be a developed nation - economically and politically;
- An India in which every person and every region is a part of the development process;
- An India in which every citizen can live a life of dignity, self respect, decency and hope;
- An India which will be a force for greater good in global affairs.

This was the dream of our founding fathers - This is the vision of our constitution and this is the vision of our people.

Thank you”

Ambassador Smt. Meera Shankar, Berlin, 4.09.2007

Video der Rede von Jawaharlal Nehru, 14.08.1947
Text der Rede von Jawaharlal Nehru: Tryst with destiny, 14.08.1947

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